感謝大家參與J3和Kip McGrath 銅鑼灣中心簡單而隆重的開幕典禮!我們感受到了所有人的愛和支持!在此,我想再次藉此機會向所有對我們充滿信心並擁有相同價值觀的合作夥伴,投資者和家長表示感謝。與我們擁有共同理念的團體合作伙伴一起工作,創造卓越的成績。
Thank you everyone for coming to the official launch of J3 Education and the grand opening of our new Kip McGrath Causeway Bay centre! We are feeling the love and support from all of you! We would like to take this opportunity to say a BIG “Thank You” again, to all of our partners, investors and parents who believe so much in us and share the same values. Working with people we love and respect, makes our job so much more fulfilling and meaningful.